Top 10 Things Making a Difference in the Tech World Today

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    By StaffSep 21, 2018, 1:35 am4.1k ptsInsanely Great

    The world of technology is constantly changing. New developments are happening every second with companies trying to overtake their competitors. Even if you are into playing online games or trying out your luck with iLottery, you would know that that the world of tech isn't what it was even a few years back.

    The Top 10 Things Making a Difference in the Tech World

    If you are interested in the world of tech, then you must know these ten things!

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    1. If you are a fan of Amazon, then you might be interested to know that the e-commerce giant is planning to establish brick-and-mortar stores. According to Bloomberg, the goal is to open 3000 brick-and-mortar stores within 2021. They will not have any cashiers, and Amazon is currently experimenting with different checkout ideas.

    2. There is no doubt that smartwatches can be a valuable addition to one's gadget arsenal. However, the new Apple Watch may not match up to its price. Even though it is loaded with features, critics consider it too expensive. The sale of the redesigned models will go live very soon.

    3. In a tragic turn of events, a collision between a Drug Enforcement Agency plane and Tesla Model X stunned Texas. The plane crash-landed in Sugar Land, Texas where it ran into the Tesla. One of the three special agents on the plane was injured.

    4. Salesforce has come up with an AI assistant called the Einstein Voice. It works like Amazon Alexa but has been specially designed for the workspace. It comes with an assistant tool that will be able to interpret voice memos and input data. It can also find important data through voice commands.

    5. If you are a regular user of the Lyft app, then you can expect your transportation costs to fall. The app has partnered up with a company names Trafi so that users will be able to find the fastest way to a destination even if it is via public transit.

    6. Microsoft made headlines with its $7.5 billion GitHub acquisition, and it has encouraged more companies in the Silicon Valley to invest in startups. Mark Zuckerberg's money manager made a recent investment of $100 million in GitLab, and that has paid off well. The company's current evaluation stands at $1.1 billion.

    7. The EU caused quite a stir when it imposed huge fines on Google and Apple. Now, it is Amazon's turn. Margrethe Vestager, European Union's competition commissioner, announced that the EU has already launched a preliminary investigation into the e-commerce company related to potential antitrust violations.

    8. Apple has decided to keep a record of how many phone calls and emails that users send and receive so that it can calculate "trust scores" for different devices. The phone call and email metadata hence collected will help in reducing fraud in the long run.

    9. Much to the delight of die-hard gamers, Sony has decided to launch a smaller version of the original PlayStation which will cost just 100 dollars. The size of this console will be 45% smaller than the original console. You can expect it to hit stores in December.

    10. According to Jack Ma, the trade war launched against China by Trump will stand in the way of Alibaba's wish to create 1 million US jobs.

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