The robots are taking over! Maybe . . .

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    Nov 12, 2020, 10:01 am2.2k ptsInsanely Great

    Recent studies have predicted that robots could take over some 20 million jobs in the next decade. While this may be the case in some industries like manufacturing, in fact, the use of robots and AI can enhance the work of professionals in many other industries. So no need to panic; while AI is becoming more mainstream in its uses and integration, there is no immediate need to be concerned.

    But which are the sectors they are making a wave in?

    robot waves hello

    Artificial intelligence is being greatly utilised in the field of human resources. In a sector where impartiality and lack of bias are incredibly important, AI is helping workers to make hiring decisions based on facts and qualifications rather than emotions. A 2019 report in the International Journal of Engineering and Technology found that AI has great value when implemented in candidate sifting, onboarding, recruitment, training, performance analysis, and even retention.

    It can match job criteria with the skills and experience of employees, conduct basic interviews, and even facilitate training courses. This allows organisations to make better HR decisions and to streamline their processes throughout the entire HR cycle. Rather than replacing HR managers and directors, AI is improving the work that they do and saving companies money through a reduction of terminations and bad matches.

    Customer service

    Customer service is a very necessary but also rather costly part of running a business. Ideally, a customer service team should be responding to questions and enquiries instantly, 365 days a year and 24 hours a day. For some, unfortunately, this is not possible as they lack the finances, resources, or capability to do so. AI has found a niche in this sector through the provision of chatbots and virtual assistants. Always on duty, they can be integrated into apps, websites, social media platforms and even email to be able to assist customers round the clock.

    The use of AI-powered voice services can also be utilised, offering clients assistance over the phone although this is still somewhat limited. Again, this does not make the job of a customer service agent obsolete, rather it handles mundane and repetitive queries and can funnel customers to appropriate departments. It also picks up the slack when offices are closed.

    Forex trading

    Foreign exchange trading was traditionally done by phone, fax, or in person. Now, thanks to the internet, the most popular way is via online platforms, usually accessed by mobile or tablet. Over the last year, the number of people accessing online forex sites has grown significantly and beginners, in particular, are looking for tools that can help them be as successful as possible.

    One example of this is the use forex robots to facilitate forex auto trading. Users simply input the parameters of what they can trade, when they want to call it a day, and when they want to make certain trades, and the AI robot takes care of it for them. This level of automation not only removes the risk of trading on emotion but it means the trader can step away from the platform and let the robot carry out the trades. As more 'starter' traders enter the market, these features, as well as sites that compare the different platforms that offer the service, provide valuable assistance.


    robot on street

    There are many different applications of AI in the education sector. One of the most interesting is the concept of using it to develop personalised curriculums for students. An AI assistant can ask the student a series of questions and then analyse the results to create and develop a personalised programme, in the framework of the existing curricula.

    This takes a lot of stress away from faculty staff and gives them more time to give 1-2-1 attention to students. Other ways AI is making waves in education include marking and assessing certain kinds of tests, making corrections, dealing with simple questions and queries, and assisting students with their research and sourcing. It can also be used to ensure and enhance the participation of students with disabilities and special needs.


    When it comes to the healthcare sector, AI can be used by manufacturers, service providers, doctors and patients. Already, several health services around the world are using AI assistants to filter health issues of patients. After answering several questions, they can then be referred to a pharmacist, doctor, hospital, or another specialist, depending on the outcome.

    For doctors, AI can assist with making diagnoses. They simply answer several questions on the issue and AI can provide a detailed diagnosis and list of possible treatments based on information from the database. This is not only faster but it reduces the chance of human error. AI is also being used in the drug manufacturing process to help scientists conduct trials, develop new drugs, and fight disease more quickly and efficiently.

    The key to the happy coexistence of AI, robots and humans is knowing how to integrate the technology to complement the work that is already being done. As we have shown with these examples, AI is improving the way that we do things rather than eyeing up our jobs.

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