​Remote Working Is Here To Stay

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    May 21, 2022, 8:02 am909 ptsInteresting

    According to sources, almost 50% of Americans will be working remotely for the next few years to come. Some experts even believe that remote working can become a professional norm.

    Those are some big statistics and claims. But it's not hard to see why.

    The benefits of remote working are clear as day. Organizations are not only able to save working space and other utility bills but can also see a significant boost in productivity.

    And while the idea is not a new one, today, we have the technology to make remote work effective, cheap, and successful.

    Effective digital leaders are aware of the software tools like Zoom, Office 365, and other similar tools that help the organization maintain productivity and communication. You can get all these software tools either from their official website or party platform like The Pirate Bay.

    That being said, if your organization is working together to formulate a plan and implement a new remote working policy, there are a few important considerations you need to make.

    Opportunities Remote Work Offer

    As we have long known, remote work offers a host of opportunities to both employers and employees. Below we have listed a few from where you might be aware of some, and some might open your eyes.

    1. Attract Top Talent

    As the new trend of remote working is getting popular among the people, especially in the younger generation, offering remote work helps the organization hire talented employees.

    According to the CEO of Upwork, organizations that refuse to support remote risk losing the acquisition of talented individuals.

    With these technologies, organizations are no longer limited to geographical areas. Instead, you can go anywhere and find specialized professionals. As a result, you get the best individual working for your organization.

    2. Improve Productivity

    With remote work, it has been seen that productivity has increased drastically. Now, why is that?

    To find the answer, Stanford Professor Nicholas Bloom conducted a study. He found that employees working from home are productive because they do not reach the office late or leave early. They are truly offering a full day's worth of work.

    The study also found that remote working is less distracting because the employees are working in the most comfortable environment.

    3. Less Commute Stress

    On an average one-way commute time in the USA is 27.1 minutes. That means almost one hour is spent on the roads traveling to and fro from work.

    Wasting time while commuting to and from work is one of the downsides. In addition, you cannot forget the daily stress and anxiety that comes with commuting one hour daily.

    Remote working helps you ditch the commute and support your physical and mental health. In addition, Time-saving can allow you to prioritize things outside work.

    This might include sleeping a few minutes more, spending more time with your family, and finally meeting your new year's resolution of staying healthy.

    Challenges You Need To Face

    Remote working might be the only way for most organizations to survive, but it does come with its fair share of challenges. For instance, it became a real challenge to keep every team member on board with effective communication.

    Here are a few common remote working pitfalls.

    1. Facing Problem In Managing The Team

    When your team members work from home, it's hard to hold a good conversation. Even a simple message feels like a laborious job; forget about holding meetings.

    To ensure everyone can attend the Zoom Meeting, you need to ensure they are well aware of how the technology works.

    2. Interruptions

    While it is true that your home offers a comfortable environment to work in, sometimes too much comfort can also distract you. When you are at home working, there are just too many things that can distract you.

    For instance, it's your pet that has entered the room, your child wants to play with you, or your wife needs something from the supermall.

    Final Word

    Though the pandemic may have been the catalyst, remote work has become a trend that will soon become a norm for most industries.

    In fact, many organizations have gone remote work on the full scale. This shows that the remote has the potential to define the future corporate world.

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