Design That Attracts Attention: How to Make a Preview for YouTube?

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    Jul 21, 2022, 2:17 pm687 pts


    Creative and informative preview can distinguish a video from the total mass and bring it millions of views. We will tell you how to make a cover and how the thumbnail maker can help with it.

    It is clear that there can be many videos with the same type of plot on YouTube. Therefore, it is important to attract viewers at the stage of content selection - most often people click on the thumbnail they like, which at least minimally hints at what will be in the video.

    To make YouTube video preview truly creative and actionable, follow these guidelines.

    Come up with an idea and concept

    You can make all the covers for the channel in the same style:

    • use the corporate font;
    • use the corporate color scheme.

    For example, your channel is about modern music. Then abstract art and gradient fonts will fit. The original features in the preview will automatically work to attract viewers. Someone places their photo on each miniature, and someone draws pictures.

    Think about who will watch you

    Before starting work, it is important to decide - who is the main target audience? If the video is for children, then even the color scheme should be chosen taking into account the preferences of the young generation. Positive emotions of younger students and kindergarteners are caused by green, orange and purple colors. Girls like pink, of course. Gloomy and dark shades are excluded.

    Handwritten fonts and small text in signatures should also be avoided. Young children often pay more attention to a bright picture than to words.

    If the target audience is teenagers, it is worth focusing on fashion trends. Memes, creative fonts, intriguing titles, lots of details and interesting features. You can try to make and upload a preview in hyperbolic style - lots of colors, catchy headlines and modern slang.

    Adults have different tastes and interests. Some prefer bright covers with text, others prefer laconic thumbnails without inscriptions. For example, a psychologist who speculates about serious topics is unlikely to be credible if video covers are animated or neon.

    Choose quality images

    Making an attractive cover is easier when you work with high-quality images. It is unnecessary time to make unnecessary noises or cut out strangers from the frame. And not everyone can. If you plan to use your own photo as a screensaver, immediately think about whether there is enough light in the room and whether there are any foreign objects behind you that could spoil the picture.

    YouTube's statistics unobtrusively hint that videos with real people on the covers attract viewers more. Therefore, if you are going to monetize the channel, it is worth holding several photo shoots, then there will be material for thumbnails at hand.

    Focus on emotions

    What do rich and famous people read? Can a delicious breakfast be healthy? Try to intrigue the audience, evoke emotions in them. They are the engine of the progress views on YouTube. Let the miniature be lively and interesting.

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