6 Beginner Tips For Mastering The Rust Game

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    Jul 25, 2022, 10:05 am622 pts

    rust game

    There are many words that can be used to describe the Rust survival game, but easy and beginner-friendly are not among them. Rust is one of the most challenging, hectic, irritating, and complex survival games on the market. In fact, one cannot even call themselves a survival game enthusiast if they have not spent hours mastering this game – all in vain. And while you can buy rust cheats to make the gameplay a tad bit easier, you would still not be in any position to call it a successful run. What you need is a guide full of tips that can assist you in your gameplay, especially if you are a beginner. Luckily, the below-listed are some of those exact tips that can help you in mastering the game. So, follow them to the letter and see your performance soar massively.

    1. Choose the correct server for your level.

    You might have noticed that in Rust, you would have an option to select your preferred server. This is not just for you to invite your friends on the same server, but it is also a way for beginners to opt for beginner-friendly servers. Playing the game against more experienced players is simply a recipe for disaster and something you do not want. The trick here is to choose a server that is not full and is marked for beginners. This will ensure that you will not be knocked out in the first minute of the round.

    2. Craft a spear quickly.

    Crafting a weapon in the game should be your number one priority, as you would find yourself in a combat situation sooner or later. The best you can do about this is to prepare yourself to the best of your abilities and get a handy weapon in your possession.

    Make sure you craft the first weapon in the game that is a spear. A spear is a highly versatile and useful weapon that will ensure that you are well prepared for what is coming. So before you start exploring the map, craft a spear quickly.

    3. Hide your loot

    It would not be wise to keep all the looted items on your person during the game. Rust is a challenging game where players would go to any lengths to survive, and that includes taking out their allies as well. You cannot expect your character to be safe at any given time. So, it would be best to hide your loot in different locations.

    In case the worst has happened and you are knocked out, you can quickly respawn and then go to one of your hideouts for your items. It will ensure that you do not have to start from the beginning.

    4. Research MedKits

    Medkits are high in demand in Rust, so it is doubtful that you will find them anytime soon. But they are a valuable item for one to have in a survival game, especially if they want to survive for as long as possible. So, what can one do in such a situation? Research Medkits, of course.

    Yes, Rust allows players to research Medkits and craft them in the game. So, it would be wise to research them as quickly as possible.

    5. Don't cook at night

    The night might seem like a perfect time to cook a meal. After all, you cannot collect loot items at night due to low visibility, and any combat would also be challenging. But even though it looks like a smart choice, it actually is not. In fact, cooking your meal at night would only result in your base being raided and your character being slaughtered by other players. The fire would easily give away your position, and since the enemy players would be coming to you from darkness and from all directions, you would not be able to do much about them. So, simply put, do not cook meals at night.

    6. Keep an eye on your Radiation bar.

    It is not the enemy players that are the only thing you need to be concerned about; the environment in the game could also easily take you out. Since the game is based in a radioactive zone, players dying from radiation is normal. Stay away from heavy radiation areas until, at the very least, you have the necessary protective gear.

    If you are new at Rust game, make sure to follow all the tips mentioned above and master it like a pro.

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