When the popularity of TikTok grew in 2020, the business world saw another player in the world of digital marketing. This was a different way of marketing compared to social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Although visual media is utilised on such platforms, TikTok bolstered it to another level, with short, snappy visual content to engage viewers and immediately direct consumers to a brand.
According to recent statistics, TikTok users engage with over 167 million hours of content, with the application among the top 50 apps in 140 countries. With good, engaging content, TikTok provides a substantial service when it comes to increasing conversion rate and capturing an audience through different means of media.
A Godsend For B2C Companies, A Different Story For B2B
While this, in many ways, is a godsend for B2C companies, it is not yet widely utilised in the B2B sphere. This is understandable and probably appropriate, given B2B focuses more on retaining customers than acquiring new ones.
That is not to say social media is not used to market rewards and bolster a B2B incentive programme, but these clients are also more likely to utilise more established – specifically word-based - platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook rather than an application like TikTok. In fact, TikTok is significantly utilised by millennials, with 35% of users below the age of 30. This is – or should be – factored into how companies market it.
Connecting To A New Customer Base
For businesses looking for a specific consumer age bracket, TikTok can give a direct route to millennials, giving companies a way to connect to the demographic in a different yet authentic way. According to recent studies, as much as 37% of TikTok users will instantly look to buy a product after discovering it on the platform.
This means that engaging content is proven to lead to results. It is important, however, to keep the marketing organic and authentic. The younger the viewer, the more likely they are to bypass an obvious advertisement. The marketing techniques must be new, fun and creative in order to hit a note with the demographic who utilise the app.
An Awareness Of The Market
Another reason Tik-Tok is such a good marketing tool is simply that its popularity gives you an understanding of the wider market. It gives a company the means to explore the landscape of modern, visual marketing and also stay on top of the trends that are currently ongoing. In order to remain focused on consumers, these trends can be accessed and initiated into a business's own content to achieve better reach and results.
Companies can also access user-generated content, meaning they acquire information on what users are interested in and then reach those specific consumers if it matches their own products or services. Once again, this is an example of how fast and direct TikTok can be in reaching and engaging an audience. It might be for a particular demographic, but it is undeniable that TikTok gives businesses a way to entertain and engage that demographic in a way other social media platforms do not.