Beyond Passwords: Techniques for Safeguarding Your Mobile Devices

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    By StaffMar 15, 2018, 1:02 am2.4k ptsInsanely Great

    Mobile Security

    Every 39 seconds, someone in the United States gets hacked, according to a study at the University of Maryland. From stealing credit card information to Social Security numbers, the data that hackers target varies, but how they get a hold of it doesn't. Weak passwords and a lack of security features, coupled with advancing hacker strategies, is putting millions of Americans at risk.

    Protecting yourself from an attack means learning how to safeguard your devices from all kinds of attacks. If you're ready to learn how you can work to keep your information safe, keep reading to learn a few essential security tactics you need to implement today.

    Never Let Convenience Threaten Your Security

    From shopping for clothing to applying for credit cards, we do a lot from our mobile devices. But while the ability to tackle these tasks from anywhere is convenient, it's important to make sure that the convenience isn't threatening your security.

    After you've made a purchase, filled in a form, or even entered your password, it's likely that your mobile web browser or app will ask whether or not you want to save your information. This makes it easy to log in or pay the next time around. It also makes it easier for hackers or anyone who gets a hold of your device to access your information.

    Decline these offers, and, instead, opt to enter your passwords and all other information fresh each time you visit a site. You can even take this security tip one step further by adding two-factor identification to any apps that do contain sensitive information. This feature will send you an alert when you log in, letting you know if anyone tries to access your account.

    Stay Updated

    Whether you're busy, you have devices that you rarely use, or you simply forget, by not updating your software, you could be putting your security at risk. Even a novice-hacker can quickly and easily infiltrate outdated software.

    Staying current on your software updates or turning on automatic updating can help keep your information safe.

    If you think this only applies to your smartphone, think again. Outdated software on laptops, desktops, tablets, and other devices can also put your information at risk.

    Invest in a Device With Build-in Security Features

    Even keeping your device updated, avoiding auto-fill functions, and choosing secure passwords may not be enough to protect your information, especially with devices like your cell that you carry with you everywhere, and could lose at any moment. Luckily, the latest smartphones offer advanced security features built right in, to protect you before you ever start adding your own sensitive data.

    Some of the latest security features developed by smartphone manufacturers include fingerprint scanners, multi-level passwords protection, and facial recognition. The iPhone SE and all other iPhone models even feature a closed system that helps to control scams and malware and prevent hackers from invading the systems.

    Investing in a device with these and other built-in security features can bolster your other security tactics, while also helping to protect you from constantly-evolving hacker strategies.

    Think Beyond the Basics

    Turning off auto-fill functions, updating your software, and investing in devices with advanced security features are all essential tactics that can help you protect your sensitive information.

    If you've been the victim of a cyber attack in the past, you know how unsettling and stressful it can be. But giving up using your mobile devices to track your financial information, send emails, and more isn't something you should have to give up. Use this list to safeguard your devices so that you can continue to use them without fear of putting yourself at risk.

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